ACAniruddha Chatterjee

โ€œWhere is my


Hey! Didn't see you there!

Sorry for shouting.
I am a developer you know. And I am pretty efficient in turning coffee into code.

This is our first meeting I guess? We should not be strangers any longer!
Let me give you a tour of what I do!

I'm Aniruddha Chatterjee,

a Software Developer

I am a software engineer currently working at Sabre and pursuing my MSc. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin (remote). I see myself as an ardent coder who focuses on what is happening and how can I improve it instead of just delivering end results.

When I am not in front of my laptop, I read books and cook full course meals. I make pretty bad jokes but my cold coffee is a 10/10. I also spend my free time contributing back to the world of open source, either with my side projects or helping starting developers out.

My Field of Work

  • Frontend development using Next.js, Tailwind and TypeScript.
  • Backend development using Node.js and Typescript along with Java using Spring Boot.
  • Cloud computing, serverless architecture and more using Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Researching ways to bridge graph databases and machine learning to deliver intelligent analytics.
This is me ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿฝ

This part is still under construction. I am working as fast as I can, but you know, even coffee has it's limits.

Feel free to browser through my resume meanwhile.